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GoTaq® Long PCR Master Mix, 100 reactions

제품코드 : M4021

제품정보 : Special Taq DNA Polymerase

  • Efficiently Amplify Long DNA Amplicons


  • 전화번호


Efficiently Amplify Long DNA Amplicons

  • Proprietary blend of thermostable DNA polymerases with enhanced processivity and proofreading
  • Hot-start master mix for convenient room temperature set-up
  • Optimized components for enhanced yield, sensitivity and specificity

Higher Yields with Hot-Start Convenience for Longer Amplicons

The proven robust amplification using GoTaq® Polymerase is now available for long-range PCR (up to 30kb gDNA).

GoTaq® Long PCR Master Mix contains the high-performance GoTaq® Hot Start Polymerase in a specially formulated mixture with a proprietary thermal stable proofreading polymerase. This optimized enzyme mixture allows efficient amplification of up to 40kb from lambda DNA or 30kb from human genomic DNA. The presence of a proofreading enzyme to repair DNA mismatches and a highly processive polymerase allows the polymerase to continue to elongate the DNA much further, resulting in longer DNA amplification. The optimized formulation of the GoTaq® Long PCR Master Mix components enables simple reaction setup, provides consistently accurate and robust amplification of long DNA amplicons, and is ideal for cloning genes, mutational analysis and DNA sequencing.


GoTaq® Long PCR Master Mix (lane P) outperforms other leading long PCR products (lanes T, N, L and S) for amplification of a 17.5kb human β-globin target sequence. P: GoTaq® Long PCR Master Mix; T: TaKaRa LA Taq™ Hot Start Version; N: New England BioLabs: LongAmp® Taq 2X Master Mix; L: Life Technologies: GeneAmp® XL PCR Kit; S: Sigma: JumpStart™ AccuTaq™ LA DNA Polymerase Mix; M: Lambda DNA/HindIII Markers; G171

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