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> 제품정보 > 시약 > 해외 공식 대리점 > [C-44010] Lymphocyte Separation Medium 1077

[C-44010] Lymphocyte Separation Medium 1077

제품코드 : C-44010

제품정보 :

  • Supplements and Reagents/Lymphocyte Separation Medium 1077 500ml


  • 전화번호


The PromoCell Lymphocyte Separation Medium 1077 is intended for the separation of the portion of vital mononuclear cells from whole blood, buffy coats, bone marrow and several other starting materials, e.g. crude cell preparations, by means of low density gradient centrifugation. Lymphocyte separation Medium has a density of 1.077 g/ml at 20°C. It is sterile, ready-to use and based on Ficoll 400 and sodium diatrizoate providing optimal physiological parameters and low cytotoxicity.