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GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Polymerase, 100u

제품코드 : M7401

제품정보 : Taq DNA Polymerase

  • High Performance PCR with Convenient Room-Temperature Setup
  • GoTaq 제품에는 gel loading dye가 포함된 Green buffer와 loading dye가 없는 Colorless buffer 두 종류가 들어있어 실험 목적에 따라 선택하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • [M7401] 100u, [M7405] 500u, [M7406] 2,500u, [M7408] 10,000u


  • 전화번호


High Performance PCR with Convenient Room-Temperature Setup

  • Eliminate nonspecific amplification with a hot start enzyme
  • Detect lower-copy-number targets
  • Optimize reaction conditions with a Flexi Reaction Buffer and separate MgCl2

Hot Start Taq with Superior Performance, Improved Yield, Greater Sensitivity 

GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Taq is bound to a proprietary antibody that blocks polymerase activity until the reaction is heated to 94–95°C during initial denaturation. Polymerase activity is inhibited at temperatures below 70°C, allowing convenient, room-temperature reaction setup. Hot-start Taq is advantageous for some amplification targets because it may eliminate or minimize formation of primer-dimer or nonspecific products.  In some cases, hot-start PCR may improve yields. 

Hot start taq polymerse gives hiqher yield and greater sensitivity

GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Taq exhibits higher yields and greater detection sensitivity. 

The 2.2kb APC target was amplified from decreasing amounts of input gDNA (33ng, 3.3ng and 330pg, left to right for each enzyme) using GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Taq with Green (G) and Colorless (C) buffers and the leading competitors (L1, R, Q, Q+, L2 and L3) according to manufacturers’ recommendations.

GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Taq is available as a master mix or as a standalone enzyme, it is supplied with 5X Green GoTaq® Flexi Buffer, 5X Colorless GoTaq® Flexi Buffer and 25mM MgCl2. GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Polymerase exhibits 5´→3´ exonuclease activity.

제품에 대한 자세한 사항은 아래 링크에서 확인하실 수 있습니다~

GoTaq(R) G2 Hot Start Polymerase Certificate of Analysis 9PIM740