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Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-up System, 50 preps

제품코드 : A9281

제품정보 : Clean-up

  • Gels 또는 PCR product에서 DNA fragments를 column방식으로 purify하는 제품입니다.
  • 최소 15ul로 elution이 가능합니다.
  • [A9281] 50 preps, [A9282] 250 preps, [A9285] 1,000 preps


  • 전화번호


Purifies DNA Fragments from Gels or PCR in 15 Minutes

  • Choice of spin- or vacuum-based protocols
  • Purifies 100bp to 10kb DNA fragments

The Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System is designed to extract and purify DNA fragments of 100bp to 10kb from standard or low-melting agarose gels or to purify products directly from PCR and other common reactions such as restriction digests. PCR products are commonly purified to remove excess nucleotides and primers. 

Up to 95% recovery is achieved depending upon the DNA fragment size, and purified DNA can be eluted in as little as 15μl. This membrane-based system can bind up to 40μg of DNA, and allows recovery of isolated DNA fragments or PCR products in as little as 15 minutes, depending on the number of samples processed. The purified DNA can be used for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, cloning, labeling, restriction enzyme digestion or in vitro transcription/translation without further manipulation. Purified DNA routinely achieves 700 bases with >98% accuracy in automated fluorescent sequencing.

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