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GSH/GSSG-Glo™ Assay, 10ml

제품코드 : V6611

제품정보 : Cell Stress Assay

  • 세포 내에 존재하는 총 GSH와 GSSG를 측정하는 Luminescent-Based Assay 제품입니다.
  • [V6611] 10ml, [V6612] 50ml


  • 전화번호


A Luminescent-Based Assay to Detect and Quantify Total Glutathione Ratios

  • Measures physiologically relevant GSH/GSSG ratios
  • Simple protocol minimizes sample handling, reducing variability
  • Stable assay signal amenable to high throughput analysis

Valuable Measurement of Glutathione (GSH-to-GSSG) Ratios

The GSH/GSSG-Glo™ Assay is a luminescence-based system that detects and quantifies total glutathione (GSH + GSSG), GSSG and GSH-to-GSSG ratios in cultured cells. Reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) both exist in healthy cells, the majority of which is in reduced (GSH) form. A change in GSH and GSSG levels are important when assessing toxicological responses and an indicator of oxidative stress, potentially leading to apoptosis or cell death. The GSH and GSSG detection assay provides a simple, rapid multiwell-plate format where stable luminescent signals are correlated with either the total GSH or the GSSG concentration of a sample directly in culture wells.

Both total glutathione and GSSG determinations are based on the reaction where GSH-dependent conversion of a GSH probe, Luciferin-NT, to luciferin by a glutathione-S-transferase enzyme is coupled to a firefly luciferase reaction. Light from luciferase is dependent on the amount of luciferin formed, which is in turn dependent on the amount of GSH present. This makes the luminescent signal proportional to the amount of GSH. Determining the total glutathione and amount of GSSG are performed in parallel reactions. In one configuration, the assay reagents measure total glutathione using a reducing agent that converts all the glutathione, GSH and GSSG in a cell lysate to the reduced form, GSH. In a second configuration, the assay reagents are used to measure only the oxidized form, GSSG. In this case, a reagent is added that blocks all the GSH while leaving the GSSG intact. This blocking step is followed by a reducing step that converts the GSSG to GSH for quantification in the luminescent reaction. Because the assays are performed directly on cells in culture wells, loss of GSH or GSSG is minimized, reducing variability.

GSH/GSSG Ratio Determination in Different Cell Lines

Cell LineCells/WellRatio GSH/GSSG
Rat hepatocytes50,00019.81.1

The GSH/GSSG-Glo™ Assay. GSH-dependent conversion of a GSH probe, Luciferin-NT, to luciferin by a glutathione S-transferase enzyme is coupled to a firefly luciferase reaction.

Limit of Detection Using Reduced (GSH) and Oxidized (GSSG) Glutathione

GSH (Panel A) and GSSG (Panel B) standards were assayed in a 96-well plate using the GSH/GSSG-Glo™ Assay and a GloMax® Luminometer. The results were averaged and plotted on the graphs above. A linear trend line was generated and correlation coefficients calculated for the fit of the data to the trend line. Limits of detection were 2.5nM GSH and 0.5nM GSSG.

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