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> 제품정보 > 시약 > 해외 공식 대리점 > [EX11] Starter Pack for first-time users

[EX11] Starter Pack for first-time users

제품코드 : EX11

제품정보 :

  • Exosomes/4°C


  • 전화번호




The exosome purification kit - Exo-spin™ combines precipitation and size exclusion chromatography principles for exosome isolation guaranteeing higher yields and higher purity levels. The kits have been designed for exosome isolation from different fluids, including cell culture media, blood, and CSF, for a complete range of downstream applications.

The exosome validated antibodies kit includes CD9 Clone CGS12A mAb, CD63 Clone CGS82X and CD81 Clone CGS36K mAb, 20 µg each. 

The Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) service provided using the ZetaView® Instrument has been designed for analysis of particle size and concentration, ideal for profiling exosomes after isolation.

Our technical team at Cell Guidance Systems will provide technical support throughout your experiments to guarantee you successfully isolate and analyse exosomes.